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I Resolve...

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

Can you believe it's almost 2022?

Me at the 1st Annual Statewide Photographers Exhibition
At the 1st Annual Statewide Photographers Exhibition

I'm not a stranger to working outside of my comfort zone (especially at work), but 2021 has been full of new experiences. I launched my birding website and entered my first juried art exhibit in May of this year. I was just notified that one of my images was selected for a show in January, now my sixth exhibition. I sold dozens of prints, with about half hanging in homes and offices in Hawai'i and half elsewhere in the world.

With this in mind, I look forward to 2022 and I want to continue to push those invisible comfort zone boundaries in these ways:

  • Take more photos of the people I love, not just birds.

  • Hike new trails and new places, seeking out new experiences and new birds.

  • Identify and start a "photo project" - something that will push my creativity.

I invite you to do the same - get out of your comfort zone. I know that New Year's resolutions are seldom achieved, but the three goals I listed above sound pretty fun. They aren't like the lofty goals that are difficult to accomplish but so often attempted. Perhaps that makes all the difference! I challenge you - what is that thing that sounds like fun, but you just haven't had the time or energy or motivation to tackle? Maybe 2022 is the right time to take it on!

I wish you wonderful holidays and a fun 2022!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams." ~ Henry David Thoreau

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