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'Tis The Season for Giving!

Giving around holiday time often seems materialistic. So much so, that it's easy to forget how meaningful it is to give, in both large and small ways.

I offer these humble suggestions for the holidays:

Be generous when you interact with others, and tell people close to you that you care, that you appreciate them, and that they matter. Sometimes the smallest gestures are the greatest gifts.

My spark bird - the ‘Elepaio!
My spark bird - the ‘Elepaio!

Let the creator inside of you loose, and make something for someone you love. If you don't have that creative instinct, then purchase a gift for each person on your list with intention. (Hint: the bird enthusiast in your family may have a Christmas tree that needs a special bird ornament or they might love a photo of their "spark" bird.)

Give your time and riches to causes that will make an impact, especially in your community. For my friends on Hawai’i island, a great option is the Friends of Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, a nonprofit devoted to conserving the unique flora and fauna of Hawai’i Island. (And if that bird enthusiast in your family has all the bird ornaments and photos they can handle, a gift on their behalf to a bird-friendly nonprofit may be the perfect fit!)

Give yourself the ultimate holiday gift - reduce the holiday pressure. Take a hike or a walk, seek out nature. Take the time to enjoy the moments at hand rather than racing to the next ones.

Be grateful. Remember that each gift, each card, each kind greeting you receive indicates that people care about you, appreciate you, and think that you matter. Soak that in!

My message to you this holiday season:

I appreciate you! Thank you for taking the time to read my musings and share my birding adventures. I wish you well and hope your 2022 is filled with beauty and wonder!

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